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  • The following is a list of things I will not draw:

    • I will not draw any NSFW content.

    • I will not draw excessive violence or gore, although appropriate amounts of features such as blood for a horror themed piece are acceptable.

    • I will not draw content that depicts support for racism, bigotry, or other movements that oppose my own beliefs.

    • I will not copy another artist’s work.

  • You MUST provide at least 3 references within your request. These can be anything from photos, to your own work, to pieces from other artists. 

  • I have the right to reject any commission request for any reason at my own discretion.


  • Prices are subject to change based on the commission request (content, complexity, revisions, additional elements…) and demand.


  • Payments will be through PayPal exclusively. Do not send money through the Friends and Family option; I will send you an invoice. Do not send any payments before I have agreed to give you a slot and sent you an invoice.

  • Personal Commissions are to be paid 100% upfront for an order under £100, or split 50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval, the time at which I begin the final render of your request, at £100 or more.

  • Commercial Commissions will be paid per the terms of a contract with the client according to budget, scope, and intended usage; at which point the client may wish to discuss royalties and/or licences for pieces that will be used more extensively for products or marketing.



  • The time it takes to complete your commission may vary depending on factors including health and mental health, the complexity and scope of your commission, and other work. If your work is delayed for any reason, I will be sure to inform you as soon as possible with the reason and a time frame for the delay.

  • Upon completion, you will receive:

    • The full-resolution, unwatermarked/unsigned image as a PNG file.

    • A web-friendly size version of the image with my watermark/signature at the bottom.




  • During the process, I will send sketches and mock-ups throughout the initial stages of designing your commission. This is the time to provide me with feedback and requests for changes. Once I begin the final render, any desired change(s) will be considered a revision:

  • You are allowed 3 minor revisions for free (such as small changes to colours / contrast, positioning of certain elements). Major revisions will incur an additional charge, and may be refused if too many are requested. If you want to change something in the drawing that you have previously approved; this will also incur an additional charge.

    • These charges depend on how extensive the changes are.

    • If your references were unclear to begin with, minor revisions may incur a small fee also.

  • I, Mara Munton (the artist) have the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason. I retain all copyrights over the commissioned artwork. I will NOT claim the intellectual property of the commissioned artwork. I will NOT profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you (the customer) break any of the terms and/or conditions. I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online, as part of my portfolio*.

    • * If you wish for you or your commission to remain private please let me know.

  • If you are commissioning a non-commercial piece:

  • You (the customer/commissioner) may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and social channels. You may NOT use the artwork for commercial purposes or to generate profit from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing,  making prints/merch, minting as NFT etc.). You retain the rights to your intellectual property.

  • The following is considered copyright infringement:​ 

    • Using the copyrighted artwork commercially.

    • Claiming the artwork as your own.




  • Once I start the final render after sketch approval, you will no longer be able to receive a full refund.

    • If you cancel your order after this stage I will offer a partial refund; charging for the time I have spent working on the piece up to the point of the refund. If the piece is at or nearing completion, you will not be able to receive a refund.

    • If you cancel before any work has begun you will receive a full refund.


  • If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund.

    • If I have started your commission and am unable to finish due to health complications or other reasons; I will offer a refund or I may email you to offer to complete the piece at a later date.


  • If you are set to receive a refund, DO NOT REQUEST A PAYPAL CHARGEBACK. I will transfer the money back to you myself.

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